Monday, February 2, 2009

Sweet as Honey - The Joy of Humour

Did you know that God puts a premium on pleasant words? “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones” (Proverbs 16:24). We all know that too much honey can make us sick. But Solomon is not talking about the flattering, fawning, sickening sweet gush that turns our stomachs. He is talking about words that are born in love, that breathe love—agreeable, gracious, friendly, kind words that demonstrate unselfish concern for the welfare of others. They are the opposite of negative, critical, complaining, quarrelsome words. They are sweet to the soul. That is, they minister to our innermost being, lifting our spirits and brightening our lives. And they are health to our bones. That is, they contribute ultimately to our physical well-being. Just as surely as unpleasant words can make us sick, pleasant words can help to keep us healthy. [read more!]
Gee, it's so true. I guess for a natural phleg-mel like me, haha, I have to work on this area. But yah, you know, pleasant words (and that includes humour) really is a gift and a blessing from God.

What I learnt about pleasant words are these:
  • They Are Agreeable
  • They Are Joyful
  • They Are Thankful
  • They Are Hopeful


Well, my personal thoughts:

I'm very thankful for Peter's crazy jokes... I remember a lot of times I really felt very stressed about some stuff that I had to share to him. But Peter constantly responded with such a sweet and gracious spirit. In fact, he helped to lighten up the mood by using gentle humour - in his trademark style of course, that I really felt ministered. Which made it so much easier to continue sharing.

And I think those pleasant words that Peter used really was an act of grace from God through Peter. Grace, gently getting me to laugh at myself, to see that in the end, I'm simply God's child, and nothing can change the fact that He loves me. That God takes delight in me, no matter how lousy I feel.
The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
To think that God actually takes delight in me, is a beautiful, nourishing, delightful and thrilling truth that never fails to bring joy and cheer to me. It brightens up my walk, renews my soul, and encourages me to love Him even more in return. It inspires me to walk in greater holiness and obedience, because I know that walking with Jesus really is such a joy that as the old song goes, "O I could dance a thousand miles / Because of Your great love..." :D

Hee. Think that truth that the Lord takes delight in me is such a meaningful thing to me. Especially for someone who constantly struggles with confidence and self-worth. =) And that knowledge that I am loved by God no matter what happens, He enables me to walk out of the land of slavery with my head lifted high. :) "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands!"

And He takes delight in me by helping me laugh at myself, to remind myself not to take myself too seriously, even while reminding me that He's totally serious about me, like a father laughing together with his son. We can be seriously joyful, seriously funny, seriously delighted!

Ok! God will help me grow in pleasant words, in sweet speech that brings joy to His ears! :) So help me grow, God. I know You will! In Jesus' name, Amen!

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