Saturday, July 22, 2006

"Mine eyes turned away from me, and mine eyes turned towards Thee"

Thank You again, Daddy! :D So encouraged... (i always write that word... but well... that's exactly my feeling here... hahaha)

Was praying, and one thing that really disheartedned me was how quiet God seems. I heard that He's always longing to speak to us, but we don't take time to hear...

And I think back to the times that I know that He's REALLY spoken to me, loud and clear... and they are few in numbers.

And I asked God, "Why, Lord? Why do You so choose to speak in a whisper? Why? You know that I really can't stand people speaking in a whisper... and I really want to hear You speak LOUD and CLEAR!"

And I was so frustrated, just sitting there, facing the corner... until I ran out of words to say. Somehow I know that He was there, just listening, and remaining silent. Then this verse came to mind: "Be still, and know that I am God."

And this thought came to my mind: "My child... you have SO many things on your mind... no wonder you can't hear Me. Too many things cluttered in your mind.

My child, leave all your worries and burden and doubts at the foot of the cross, where I died for you. And just remain in My presence. Leave all your cares and concerns at the foot of the cross, and come to Me.

Come to Me, and I will show you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Come to Me, and I will tell you what you need to hear. Come to Me, and I will guide you in the path that I want you to take. Come to Me."

Wah lau... His Spirit really spoke to my spirit deep within... He knows that I've been so busy and burdened... and He loves me so. He STILL loves me, He HAS always loved me, and He ALWAYS loves me. His love NEVER fails.

Somehow... I know that it's not about myself. When I asked Jesus for a specific word of encouragement or just something to speak to me, I looked around, wondering if there's any thing special or what... and I saw this Bible passage that I pinned on my shelf.

"If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for Me will find it."

At first, this verse, well, was just a bunch of words. But I know that it's JESUS' very own words... so I thot, why not take a look at this verse and THINK about it? So I did... and thank God! :D this verse spoke to me after all!

Somehow I think He's impressing on my heart that I'm too preoccupied with myself, with my own struggles and my own worries and concerns... So why not just "heck care lah", throw my worries to the wind and think about JESUS' concerns instead?

It's not about my own holiness - it's about being in HIS holiness...
It's not about my own future - it's about HIS plans for this generation.
It's not even about my own life - it's about HIS heartbeat for ALL our lives.

So encouraged! And not just that again... God confirmed the thought that I had was true... He confirmed it through something that Wenjiang mentioned during today's Alpha sharing, through the Bible passage that I pinned on my wall... and the following passage from by Max Lucado:
Now witness God’s response. Does he remove them? Eliminate the burdens? No, rather than take them, he offsets them. He places an eternal weight of glory on the other side. Endless joy. Measureless peace. An eternity of him. Watch what happens as he sets eternity on your scale.

Everything changes! The burdens lift. The heavy becomes light when weighed against eternity. If life is “just a moment,” can’t we endure any challenge for a moment?

We can be sick for just a moment.

We can be lonely for just a moment.

We can be persecuted for just a moment.

We can struggle for just a moment.

Can’t we?

Can’t we wait for our peace? It’s not about us anyway. And it’s certainly not about now.

Now, on to happier things!

Wilson's testimony at Alpha!!! Hallelujah!
So encouraged! First convert to Christ for Alpha, now first witness for Christ!
Praise God!!! It's SUCH A JOY!!!

Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah!
Sing hallelujah to Jesus our King!
Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah!
Sing hallelujah, He's done a great thing!

And a new brother in my CG tonight!
Praise God!!! So thankful! *does a little jig*

Ok, now on to more sober things.
What Hongtao and Yufen shared, it's impt for him to grow in a stronger and deeper understanding of God.

Think also gotta show him Christ's realness and love - for God's more than an intellectual concept - He's a Person... as real - more real than this reality, actually! - as you and me... so pray that my CG will really LURRRRRRVE this bro - all the more that he's now a child of God. "Let us do good to all ppl, especially to the family of believers."

Jesus! There's simply no one like Him, who went around healing people, thinking about them, having compassion on them, feeding them, discipling them... and He sent His Spirit down unto us, that we may continue the great work that He's already started! And He's together with us, fighting in the trenches, fighting in the fields, fighting on the ground, fighting in the streets and in the hills! And He will never fail! "Everyone who trust in Him will never be disappointed."

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