Friday, May 26, 2006

About the recent District Camp...

Hmm, keep on wanting to blog about it from time to time... but in the end, for what purpose would I be blogging? Personally think it's better to keep and treasure what I've learnt in my heart and put it into practice... I want to bear fruit with what I've learnt!

Still, really (I mean it) thank God for this camp. This camp has been one of the sweetest times of fellowship that I've experienced in my whole life, honestly... I especially treasure the fellowship that we had on the 2nd nite of camp, when we were all sharing about our camp objectives, and when one of the bros was asking about Holy Spirit baptism, and how all the other bros n sisters encouraged him with testimonies...

Something that struck me as very real was that I was really seeing the Body of Christ in action. "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body." It struck me, how different each person's testimony and sharing was, and yet on a higher scale, when you take a step back and look at the theme, all our different testimonies were so united - how God touched our lives, how He helped us experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit... how He spoke to us in different ways...

I marvel indeed at the wonder of the Body of Christ. It's something that only God Himself can do - to unite many very different people of different cultures into one united body! :D

On a more personal note, I made 3 objectives before going for the camp. The first one was to ask God for directions for my life, 'cos I'm graduating at the end of this year. And secondly, to ask Him to deepen my convictions, and thirdly, to deepen the time of fellowship, that I may know my bros n sisters in my CG better.

He answered my prayers, every one of them! :D

For directions for my life and ministry, during worship, He spoke to me 2 phrases: "I've placed you here exactly where I want you to be." and another, "A servant heart." These two phrases helped to clear the fear in my heart. Could really sense His assurance upon me at this point in time.

And for deepening of convictions, Ps Jeff's preaching and Claramae's teaching really stirred up my heart... somehow, I felt the fire of God in my heart being stoked up once again after so long... somehow I think Jesus was speaking very clearly to me and pointing me in the right direction, reminding me to keep my desire for God central.

And for fellowship, ha, amazing... I really saw the Body of Christ so powerfully in action that night... when a diverse and disparate group of people were united as one in Christ when we shared that night.

Praise God for His mighty works;
Praise Him in His sanctuary;
Praise Him for His awesome power;
Praise Him for His amazing grace!

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