Saturday, August 6, 2005


Mmm... it's been a long while since I blogged. Well, thanks to Flince's prompting, I'm writing...

Ha, somehow it seemed easier to blog when I'm thinking about it... but when I sit at the keyboard, suddenly, I feel like I'm writing for an audience... heh, yeah, that's true anyway. :) Maybe it's that kind of day-dream where you imagine yourself doing some wonderfully amazing impromptu stand-up comedy or give a powerful speech in front of an audience... leaving the audience spell-bound in awe...

and when you actually get around to doing it - hey, you get that sudden nervous twinge - "My God, what shall I say? do? etc. etc..." - 'cos it's no longer just you and yourself.

Think some pple find it easier to express how they naturally feel, in a very candid way that's straightforward, and systematically clear. Ha, just feel that's not very much me at the moment, though I'd definitely like to be able to express clearly n concisely what I'm thinking - not just feeling - at this point.

Maybe it's that desire to look good in pple's eyes that makes me self-conscious about myself, which leads me to organising my words, take ages on a one-page blog... trying to squeeze out some impressive rhetoric.

But, dunno, just want to do something new today in my writing. Just to share what's on my mind at the moment... a little 'candid snapshot' of my thoughts. :) Guess it's prompted in a way by Flince's little egging-on - it touched me that someone would keep checking out my blog... think it's the wanting to know what's going on in someone's life... or just to be entertained by some random ramblings of a friend on a drizzly day. :)

That my random ramblings can actually be interesting in their own unique way... XD

So that would be the main reason for just writing down some ramblings - just to share my thoughts, just being myself. LOL! =)

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