Saturday, March 29, 2008

I Want To Be a Value-Added Christian!

As I walked back home from guitar practice, I was thinking of something I mentioned to Dehua yesterday.

Think it was something like this: "So, it's when we learn to think deeper, that in a way, it's adding to our 'value'... you know, being 'value-added', which makes people want to talk to us more?"

So was analyzing today the nature of relationships - what is it that causes people to enjoy talking or just interacting with certain people?

Think the answer is because of one's perception that the other person has something to offer you.

Yes, that's the way it is, even in the church... we are naturally drawn to people we perceive who can offer us what we need or want.

It's an observation that King Solomon made in Proverbs 19:6:
Many curry favor with a ruler, and everyone is the friend of a man who gives gifts.

An astute observation of human nature indeed!

And the next verse says:
A poor man is shunned by all his relatives—
how much more do his friends avoid him!
Though he pursues them with pleading,
they are nowhere to be found.

Gifts here don't necessarily mean material things... it can be things like popularity, or humour, or kindness, or intelligence, etc... And it's not always wrong to have gifts to offer to others - especially when these gifts meet others' needs.

Psalm 112:9
He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor, his righteousness endures forever; his horn will be lifted high in honor.

So that's one reason I really want to be a 'value-added' Christian - it's in the spirit of being excellent. Like how I was reading 1 Kings in my Bible reading today, about King Solomon gold-plating the interior of the Temple... why the interior, not the exterior for all men to see?

Think it's because the Temple, which in today's New Testament, symbolizes our bodies - God wants our inner being to be gold-plated before Him, to be pure and blameless. To save the best for the inside!

(And methinks it's for a very practical reason too - it's harder to snitch gold from the inside than the outside of the building...)

So it's the spirit of being excellent which I captured from reading about the construction of the Temple. So that's why I want to be a value-added Christian.

So was thinking, in this context of being excellent in my relationships with people... how can I be a value-added Christian then?

*many minutes later*

I've been thinking through a lot of things, but they all seem to be degenerating into inner laments - "God, why am I so lacking in this, in that?"

This isn't good. I can do something about this - to stretch myself, broaden my relevance. I think... God may have whispered to me that He did give me a special gift that has the potential to be powerful and attractive - and He sent Wenjiang before to try and help me cultivate that gift, but I wasn't willing to develop that talent fully - even up to now.

But thank God for His beautiful patience with me - both from Christians AND non-Christians, I have received this affirmation. It's only the inner fear - and to be honest - the constant negative voices of my family telling me that I can't do that.

Cannot! I must listen to the voice of my Good Shepherd, no matter how I feel.

*deep breath*

It's scary, but like Dehua said, "One step at a time."

Oh God, help me grow to add value to other people's lives. Hee. I just realized that my focus shifted from myself to others... in the end, it was never about me being value-added - it was about adding value to others.

"Longing just to bring / Something that's of worth / That will bless Your heart..."

=D Hee! Thanks Father for adding value into my life, that I can pour Your value into others' lives. =) In Jesus' name, amen!

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